Sunday, 9 December 2012

my weekend = the mist

the mist is always disturbing
the knowledge of the unknown
things lurking
on this day the light was so bright that it gave an even more strange and unnatural a glow

it unsettled me and my far too vivid imagination

Thursday, 6 December 2012

found = presents under £20

i always enjoy searching out great gifts for my loved ones
i try to put lots of thought into each gift but avoid extravagance
i find it tasteless to spend obscene amounts when some people have so little
but that doesn't mean you can't buy wonderful things and stay within budget
here is my selection of gifts that i'd love to give OR receive this year
AND they are all under £20
infinity ring £6.37 esteverde
salt cellar £17.84 fixstudio
gypsy armlet £19.12 just stylish
chocolate biscuits £5.09 janjou patisserie
mucha locket £8.92 lizabettas
leather journal £15.93 inblue 
all on etsy

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

appreciate = robert farkas

Vulpes vulpes Art Print
i adore foxes
and i'm a bit obsessed with them of late
i suppose it's their dash of fire in the depths of winter that attracts me
i see them rarely as i live in rural area and they have more places to hide
and this painting captures that ethereal quality 
vulpes vulpes by robert farkas

Sunday, 2 December 2012

my weekend = winter clouds

i know i live in a beautiful place
i rarely look at it with jaded eyes
but sometimes it can even take my breath away
everything about this view is wonderful:
the sea, the clay and sandy cliffs nearest, the chalk cliffs further off
but the clouds...
it was a bitterly cold walk with a biting north wind but it was worth each numb finger

this photo is taken with my samsung mobile